Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Year 5.- Plant reproduction

Sexual reproduction.- Flowers and seeds

Moving Art

 Asexual reproduction

Which of these techniques do you use in the orchad? cuttings, bulbs, tubers, stolons (runners), spores, rhizomes?

Do you know any other asexually way of plant reproduction?

 What about this game to practice?

For further info clic here or watch the presentation below...

Year 1 & 2.- Living things around us: animals and plants

What about a song to remember about living things?
And a game?


Let´s try this game


How to grow plants? Play this game

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Year 3.- Vertebrates


Classify characterisitics of animals...clic here

Penguins in peril

Easy quiz on animals

Spot the three mammals in each picture..clic here

What about Asturias?


Preparing our project.-

1.- Draw the animal you are going to tell us about.

2.- Find out what type of animal it is. (You can look for information in Spanish)

  • Is it a vertebrate or invertebrate?
  • Is it viviparous or oviparous?
  • According to nutrition; what is it? (find out about its favourite food)
  • Where does it live?
3.- Look at the classification of animals and label yours.  Is it a mammal? is it a bird? What is it? Describe yours.
They have .............
They are...............................
They can ...................

4.- Is it in danger in Asturias? Check it here.

  • Year 5.- Plants processes

    Process 1

    Process 2

    Process 3

    Monday, 2 March 2015

    Year 3 & 4.- Vertebrates

    Exercises for year 4

    Classify characterisitics of animals...clic here

    Penguins in peril

    Easy quiz on animals

    Spot the three mammals in each picture..clic here


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