Thursday, 15 December 2016

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Year 3.- Exploring emotions in the Art lesson

The idea ...

Look carefully at the faces? What´s different in each face? the mouth, the, close, the attention to the details?

Now cut out, colour and create faces!!!

A   story about emotions

Monday, 21 November 2016

Year 1.- The colourful present (Healthy food)

What about a story?

Food groups.- My plate

 Fresh and processed

Healthy and junk


Another story...

Year 3.- Health and illness

Story.- I am too ill!!

Game 1

At the doctor´s office



What about you? Do you have any?

And a story?

Year 4.- Population and migration

Let´s compare the population of the world and the population of Asturias.

1.- Clic here 

2.- Wacth this video.

This vídeo with subtitles

3.- Answer
- Is the population of Asturias increasing or decreasing?
- Is the population of Asturias increasing or decreasing?
- Reasons? Emigration, small  number of births, small number of deaths, big number of births, small number of deaths, immigration?

4.- Look at this info. What type of migration is there in Asturias?
- from rural areas to urban places?
- from urban areas to rural places?

Why is  the population growing so faaast?

A quizz of settlements

Online dictionary

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Monday, 14 November 2016

Halloween 2016

This last Halloween we developed a door project. This is the outcome....

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Year 3.- Life stages or the human life cycle.

How many stages can you see? Write

Different stage = different needs. 
How much sleep do you need?
Have a look here and here and complete the table.

Compare life cycles.. Is our life cycle similar?

Year 1.- Stay healthy !!

Play this game to learn how to stay healthy and happy
Game 2

Four tips to be healthy and happy. What about you? Do you follow them?


Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Year 4.- Politics in Asturias

Treasure Hunt

a- How many members are there in the Governing Council?
b. What is the name of the Councillor of Education?
c. How many women Councillors are there?
d. What colour is the building of the Parliament of Asturias?
e. What type of building is that?
f. What colour is the building where the President works?
g. Who was the first President of Asturias?
h.  Is there any woman President?
i.  Who stayed longer? How long?


LINK ONE                    LINK TWO                  LINK THREE

Monday, 3 October 2016

Year 1.- Our body

Bones and joints

X-ray body in motion

Game 1

Year 2.- Places at school

What members of the school community can you listen to?

Listen, look and count  the school places in the video, Which ones?

Can you write down the names?

Year 3.- Our body is a powerful machine!!

Inside your body

Tick the organs you listen to.

What is the most important organ in your body? have a look...

Your skin protects your body

  Game 1
Game 2
Game 3

Year 4.- Asturias, our favourite region

People see us ...

Is this your Asturias? What is missing?


  1. Read these questions
  2. Go into the links on the internet and find out.

-          What region is this? Write down the borders.
-          Can you name the different dots on the map? Find out the five most important cities of Asturias. Locate them on the map.
-          What city is the large dot?
-          Write the names of these five cities on the map.
-          Write down the population of these five cities.


Important cities or towns


  1. Aimé is not from Asturias. What region is he from?______________________

  1. What colour is the flag of that region? _____________________________

  1. Let´s do a challenge! ...Can you list the regions according to the idea that foreign people have about Spain? Look at this map Erasmus students have designed.

Friday, 16 September 2016

Creating 3D illustrations with classroom objects

1.- Get inspired!!

Have a look at Javier Pérez´ images or Victor Nunes´ to get the idea.

Or these other creative works:´s COOL !!!

2.- Thiiiiink!!!

3.- Choose a classroom object, a pencil and .... start drawing.

4.- Our works

During the Chesnut Festival at school.

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Back to school

adventure is calling"


Sunday, 22 May 2016

Year 3.- Vertebrates in Asturias: our animal project

What about Asturias?

Preparing our project.-

1.- Draw the animal you are going to tell us about.

2.- Find out what type of animal it is. (You can look for information in Spanish)

  • Is it a vertebrate or invertebrate?
  • Is it viviparous or oviparous?
  • According to nutrition; what is it? (find out about its favourite food)
  • Where does it live?
3.- Look at the classification of animals and label yours.  Is it a mammal? is it a bird? What is it? Describe yours.
They have .............
They are...............................
They can ...................

4.- Is it in danger in Asturias? Check it here.

  • Year 4.- Weather climate & landforms

    Now...look outside the windows and tell me the landforms around this area.

    Wednesday, 11 May 2016

    Year 2.- Go green project

    Listen and look at the green actions to take care of our HOME.


    What green actions do we practice at school ?
     Any actions you can think of to prevent pollution? Pick up your notebook and make a list.

    These are our tips to go green at school. We practice them at our school every now and then so we want to share these good habits to take care of our environment.

    Friday, 6 May 2016

    Year 4.- We can make a difference!!

    Year 4.- All about the weather

    Clic here to visit AEMET (The Spanish Agency for the Weather).

    - Imagine you are a weather man/women....? Can you make a weather forecast? What type of info can you obtain?

    Tuesday, 5 April 2016

    Year 3.- Vertebrates


    What about a song to remember about living things?
    And a game?



    Exercises for year 4

    Let´s try this game

    Classify characterisitics of animals...clic here

    Penguins in peril

    Easy quiz on animals

    Spot the three mammals in each picture..clic here


    Year 4.- Our "air"

    Wireless weather station

    Our national weather agency

    Weather station at Busto.

    Year 1.- More about animals

    Our animal project

    Any info missing children?

    To learn more ...have a look below ...

    Let´s try this game

    Year 2.- Natural resources

    Planet Earth is made of ... (have a look at this video 1.21 - 3.50)

    Complete the diagram.


    Monday, 4 April 2016

    Spring is here...let´s make an animal project.

    The outcome ...

    The process...

    Year 1.- Paper butterflies.
    Have a look at  the basics...

    Year 2.- Eric Carle animal project using tissue paper and stamping shapes with different objetcs.

    Year 3.- Vertebrates project

    Thursday, 10 March 2016


    Our works a a result of this interesting and touching journey.

    Our inspiration...

    Our technique...

    Friday, 26 February 2016

    Year 2.- Facts about the Universe

    Online 3D simulation of the Solar System and night sky in real time - the Sun, planets, dwarf planets, comets, stars and constellations. 

    Thursday, 25 February 2016

    Year 4.- More than maps

    Have a look HERE.

     What is it? Where is our school? Are the places ok on the map: La Atalaya´s chapel;  the museum and the fishing port?. Is the blue line the safe way to school? Yes or no? Discuss with your mate.

    Learning about maps

    An introduction

    About maps

    Tuesday, 16 February 2016

    Year 3.- Creating a logo

    Step 1.- Look at the info.Step 2.- Create a logo for the health schools in the area. The topic is healthy routines and habits.

    Our school logo

    You can see some popular logos here.


    1.- The reason of the logo.
    2.- Keep it SIMPLE.
    3.- Colour is important.
    4.- Consider proportion and simmetry. 
    5.- Two pictures into one...make it a clever idea!!

    More info here.

    Some examples.

    Year 2.- 3, 2, 1 ....Go!!

    Sunday, 14 February 2016

    Friday, 15 January 2016

    An experiment.- From egg to chicken

    From egg to chicken

    Sunday, 10 January 2016

    Year 4.- Work

    The world of work from jesuk2001

    Have a look and find out the questions.-

    Work in your area.

    Work in Asturias

    Evolution of economic sectors in Spain

    1.- Jobs. Have a look at the map and the graphs and compare the number of jobs in these municipalities: Villayón and Navia.
    1.1. Write sentences.- The number of the primary sector jobs is smaller/bigger in ...

    1.2 Why are they different? Circle.

    There three big factories in Navia a paper factory, a milk factory and a boat manufacturing business and many retail businesses.
    There are a lot of factories in Villayón.
    There are many shops and retail businesses in Villayón.
    Many people in Navia are cattle farmers, crop farmers and fishermen.
    Many people in Villayón are cattle farmers, crop farmers and fishermen.
    There are many shops and retail businesses in Navia.
    There are some family businesses in Villayón: a bus business, a cattle food business.

    1.3 Draw a portion graph about Puerto de Vega and write sentences as in 1.1 and 1.2. (notebook).

    2.- Types of work in Asturias.- Draw the diagram and write the key in English. Pay attention to the four colours and the three different work sectors.

    2.2 Number of adults working in the Tertiary Sector? ........... And the Primary?.......... Why?

    3.- Evolution of jobs in Spain. 
    What sector was bigger in the past?.................

    What sector is bigger today? ........................


    1.- Have a look at this map.
    2.- Draw and write a new one for one of our products: cheese; yoghourts; cider; sausages; knifes from Taramundi; jet and silver gems; canned products (tuna; beans, etc)

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